Python 3D Software Collection



Immediate-mode packages are generally used for implementing retained-mode engines. Your application will always have a "model" of what to display (somewhere). If the model is simple enough, you may choose to use raw immediate-mode calls (e.g. OpenGL) to render it.
PSF Python
C++ Python extension providing DirectX 9.0 access
Interface to the 2D, 3D, and audio features of the Direct-X library from Microsoft. Includes support for loading .x meshes. Provides access to HLSL shaders and the like.
Advanced 3D Interface for Pyglet
Extends Pyglet with convenient abstractions for commonly used advanced OpenGL features (GLSL, FBOs, etc.)
Package providing Pyrex-coded access to advanced OpenGL extensions
GLEWpy aims to bring advanced OpenGL extensions to Python. This will allow the Python OpenGL developer to use features such as fragment and vertex shaders and image processing on the GPU. It serves as a compliment to PyOpenGL and toolkits such as GLUT and SDL (PyGame).
Provides access to Cg shader language from Python
Callback driven framework for generating Cg shaders.
Cross platform windowing and multimedia (game) framework in Python
Pyglet is a Python-coded library which uses ctypes to produce a portable GUI/multimedia layer that lets you write games in an OpenGL-implemented engine. It includes full bindings for a C-style OpenGL library with most extensions. Pyglet is under active development, with new frequent new features and releases.
Standard Python binding to the OpenGL, GLU, GLUT and GLE libraries
PyOpenGL provides access to the common immediate-mode libraries associated with OpenGL. It is a large SWIG-based wrapper available on most platforms in source or binary format.